"inauthor:"Sandy Boucher"" sur
Boucher celebrates the many contributions of women to American Buddhism and provides an intimate look at the lives of women who are the teachers, scholars, nuns, and followers of a newly evolving Buddhist practice in this country.
"inauthor:"Sandy Boucher"" sur
Along with providing meditations, chants, and prayers this lovely, illustrated volume recounts the stories of this bodhisattva (one who delays her own full enlightenment to work for the liberation of all beings) and explains Kwan Yin's role ...
"inauthor:"Sandy Boucher"" sur
In this portrait of her extraordinary life, from a youth in Nazi-dominated Germany to the center of the counterculture in the sixties and seventies, Boucher captures Denison's distinctive voice and the journey of her remarkable spirit.
"inauthor:"Sandy Boucher"" sur
Part primer, part personal history, part guide to spiritual practice, this book opens the door to an understanding of Buddhist spirituality, which engages more and more Westerners as the millennium approaches.
"inauthor:"Sandy Boucher"" sur
Adviezen vanuit een boeddhistische invalshoek voor het omgaan met boosheid en moeilijkheden op een manier die het lijden oplost.
"inauthor:"Sandy Boucher"" sur
De Amerikaanse boeddhistische non legt uit hoe iedereen stap voor stap vrede kan bereiken door bij nare situaties niet te verkrampen, maar open en ontspannen te blijven.