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"Microsoft vs FTC documents" sur
... documents should be in DOS - text ( ASCII ) , WordPerfect , or Microsoft Word format . Spreadsheets should be in Microsoft Excel ( .xls ) , or Lotus ... and Order APPENDIX D 128 F.T.C. provided on disk APPLE COMPUTER , INC . 211.
"Microsoft vs FTC documents" sur
... Microsoft Access , Microsoft Excel , Netscape and the Internet , JetForms , the Library Online Catalog , LANDOC ( the FTC document storage system ) ... and Technology Services 1. Audiovisual ( 1 October 1998 Federal Trade Commission.
"Microsoft vs FTC documents" sur
... documents were reviewed , 40 interviews were conducted , and Pilkington's worldwide licensing conduct from 1962 to ... Microsoft Case . On July 15 , 1994 , the Division settled United States v . Microsoft ( D.D.C. ) . Microsoft ...
"Microsoft vs FTC documents" sur
... ( FTC ) concerning the impact of the commercial or industry standards on competition . DOE is not requiring the use of ... documents attached to your comment . Any information that you do not want to be publicly viewable should not ...
"Microsoft vs FTC documents" sur
... FTC previously took action against : Eli Lilly and Co. and Microsoft Corp. Each company was obliged to change its ... documents in the face of lawsuits. —. Privacy. On Tune 18, the Federal Trade Commission announced an enforcement ...
"Microsoft vs FTC documents" sur
... Document available at 168. Document available at 169. Congressional testimony of Robert Pitofsky, Chairman of the FTC, 21 July 1998. Document ...
"Microsoft vs FTC documents" sur
Anatomy. of. a. monopoly. investigation. July 1994: Justice files an antitrust suit against Microsoft, which is settled ... FTC is unable to make a case. Drops the investigation. Department of Justice picks up the matter and begins ...
"Microsoft vs FTC documents" sur
... Microsoft ( DDC ) Microsoft , the world's largest and dominant computer software company , used exclusionary ... documents were reviewed in the course of this investigation Some 575,000 of those documents were secured through ...
"Microsoft vs FTC documents" sur
... and Consumer Rights. Senator Herb Kohl August 12 , 2008 Page 2 Google For example , in connection with Google's acquisition of DoubleClick , Microsoft made submissions to the Federal Trade Commission asserting that the relevant market ...
"Microsoft vs FTC documents" sur
... documents were reviewed , 40 interviews were conducted , and Pilkington's worldwide licensing conduct from 1962 to ... Microsoft Case . On July 15 , 1994 , the Division settled United States v . Microsoft ( D.D.C. ) . Microsoft ...