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"inauthor: H. C. Trumbull" sur
... in Author Land , by Fanny Forrester . 2078 Trollope , Frances . Domestic Manners of the Americans . 607 Trollope , F. Paris and the Parisians , in 1835 . 759 Trumbull , H. History of the Discovery of America , and Wars with the Indians ...
"inauthor: H. C. Trumbull" sur
... in Author Land , by Fanny Forrester . 2078 Trollope , Frances . Domestic Manners of the Americans . 607 Trollope , F. Paris and the Parisians , in 1835 . 759 Trumbull , H. History of the Discovery of America , and Wars with the Indians ...
"inauthor: H. C. Trumbull" sur
... ( H. Barth ) , II : 383 Travels in North America ( B. Hall ) , 1:74 , 75 Tree , Ellen , 1 : 222 , 224 * Tremont ... Trumbull , Elizabeth , I : 5 , 39 , 40 * , 41 , 42 , 62 , 71 Trumbull , John , I : 11 * Trumbull , Joseph , I : 40 ...
"inauthor: H. C. Trumbull" sur
... in Author Land . Emily Chubbuck . New York , 1846. 120 . Tristram Shandy . L. Sterne . Philadelphia , 1831. 8 ° . Troil , U ... Trumbull , H. Discovery of America , Indian Wars , & c . Bost . 1841. 8 ° . The same . Boston , 1833. 8 ...
"inauthor: H. C. Trumbull" sur
... in Author Land . Emily Chubbuck . New York , 1846. 12 ° . 2506 Tristram Shandy . L. Sterne . Philadelphia ... Trumbull , H. Discovery of America , Indian Wars , & c . Bost . 1841. 8 ° . 759 The same . Boston , 1833. 8 ° . 1334 ...
"inauthor: H. C. Trumbull" sur
... Trumbull , B. 1 10 Trumbull , J. 1 3499 1 2250 2d copy . 1 2582 1 6900 Tryphiodorus . De Rebus Trojanis . 16 ° . Lipsiæ . 1829 . Life of H. Cortes . 12 ° . Edin . 1829 . Romance of Spanish History . 12 ° . Phil . 1820 . History of ...
"inauthor: H. C. Trumbull" sur
... university of Cam- bridge . New York , 1857. 12 ° - Study of words . New ... H W. trigonometro . Boston , TRIGONOMETRY . Hann , J. Plane ... TRUMBULL , H. C. The knightly soldier : a biography of Major Henry Ward Camp ...
"inauthor: H. C. Trumbull" sur
... in author- ity he treated the people , in taking their lands DEC . 281 and money and cattle for food , in a way ... H. Clay Trumbull , on the Ten Command- ments DEC . 28 , 1918 55 Helping Hand in Bible - School Work patience in ...
"inauthor: H. C. Trumbull" sur
... ( In author's Knight of St. John . S. 1852. ) Recollections and experiences . 2 v . in 1. S. 1885 . 2 P42 Yates , E. H. 928.2 Y 920.5 G Recollections of a busy life . Greeley , Horace . O. 1868 . Recollections of a drummer boy . Kieffer , H ...
"inauthor: H. C. Trumbull" sur
... University Press , 1991 ) ; Nick Cullather , Secret History : The CIA's Classified Account of its Operations in ... Trumbull Higgins , The Perfect Failure : Kennedy , Eisenhower , and the CIA at the Bay of Pigs ( NY : Norton , 1987 ) ...