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"inauthor: John Rodman Williams" sur
... John Cutts , gov .; Mason claims worthless , 473 ; revolts in , 492 ... Williams , gov . , 1633 ; Noah Martin , gov . , 1712 ; Nathan . B. Baker ... Rodman M. Price , gov . , 1772 ; Wm . A Newell , gov . , 1832 ; conservative on ...
"inauthor: John Rodman Williams" sur
... John Cutts , gov .; Mason claims worthless , 473 ; revolts in , 492 ... Williams , gov . , 1633 ; Noah Martin , gov . , 1712 ; Nathan . B. Baker ... Rodman M. Price , gov . , 1772 ; Wm . A Newell , gov . , 1832 ; conservative on ...
"inauthor: John Rodman Williams" sur
THE FOREST RANGER AND OTHER VERSE . Collected and Edited by John D ... Rodman . This is a mistake as this song is really an old folk song which the ... WILLIAMS MEMORIAL FUND . We take pride in announcing the establishment of ...
"inauthor: John Rodman Williams" sur
... Rodman , U.S.A. , had a patent on the Rodman process of casting cannon ; Col ... Williams , nor for the tent of Col. E. Rice , the patent- ability of which ... John L. Sticht ( 2 ) , Capt . A. G. Berry , Comdr . T. C. Fenton ...
"inauthor: John Rodman Williams" sur
... Williams- port , Pa .; Wesleyan University , Conn .; presi- dent University ... John F. and Margaret ( Johnson ) Harris ; born Dec. 18 , 1849 , at Pictou ... rodman and topographer of Northern Pennsylvania Railroad ; was officer ...