Robert Traill

Robert Traill

Ministre du culte
Robert Traill était pasteur à Cranbrook dans le Kent. Il est né à Elie dans le Fife en 1642. Il a été incarcéré sur le Bass Rock, une île du Firth of Forth du 19 juillet 1677 au 5 octobre 1677. Son travail a été souvent cité par J. C. Ryle et est... Wikipédia (anglais)
Date/Lieu de naissance : mai 1642, Elie and Earlsferry, Royaume-Uni
Date de décès : 16 mai 1716

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A Presbyterian minister of great learning and fervent preaching. Today, many Christians are turning back to the puritans to ...
Born in Elie, May, 1642. After the usual prepatory studies, he was sent to the College of Edinburgh, where he distinguished himself in the several classes.
Autres questions
Who was Dr. Robert Traill?
Robert Traill was born in Lisburn, County Antrim. He was rector of Schull, County Cork from 1832 to 1847. He was a Doctor of Divinity and translated the works of the Jewish historian, Josephus, into English. He was a Calvinist and antagonised many of the inhabitants of the county with his fervour.
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Robert Stuart (1785-1848) Robert Stuart made a significant mark in the Oregon Country in two ways, first as a partner in the Pacific Fur Company, which established Fort Astoria in 1811; and second as the leader of an overland journey from Astoria to St. Louis in 1812.
Robert Traill was a church minister at Cranbrook in Kent. He was born at Elie in Fife in 1642. He was incarcerated on the Bass Rock, an island in the Firth ...
The Works of Robert Trail VOLUMES 3 & 4 in ONE VOLUME ; Language. English ; Publisher. Banner of Truth ; Publication date. January 1, 1970 ; Dimensions. 8.75 x 5.75 ...
Robert Henry Traill or Roy Traill (1892–1989), New Zealand wildlife ranger; Robert Trail (moderator) (1720–1775), Scottish minister. See also.
12 sept. 2024 · Address. 14395 S. Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068. Phone. 651-480-1200. Hours. Monday–Thursday, 9 a.m.–8 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, ...
Faith Glorifying God ... Robert Trail is the author of: Justification Vindicated (Banner of Truth, £3.75, $6.99 ISBN: 851518184, Paperback, 96pp.) He asks can ...
Works at Kickback Jack's Danville, VA. 󱚸. Works at Walmart. 󱜧. Went to Seventy-First High School. 󱜏. Lives in Danville, Virginia.
Robert Trail. Academics, Upper School. Upper School Faculty. Contact Information. Undergraduate · Graduate · Online.