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"inauthor: William Shakespeare" sur
William Shakespeare Gulian Crommelin Verplanck. " Heaven ! lay not my transgression to my charge , That art the ... in author- ity ; and it would seem to have been Shakespeare's in- tention to make that person Hubert de Burgh , who ...
"inauthor: William Shakespeare" sur
William Shakespeare. A broken voice , and his whole function suiting With forms to his conceit ? And all for ... in author's plays . Thus , Quince to Flute in A Midsummer- Night's Dream : " You speak all your part at once , cues ...
"inauthor: William Shakespeare" sur
On the physiology of perfume, the sense of smell, influence of scent on memory, the classification of smells, and the medicinal properties attributed to perfume in classical times.
"inauthor: William Shakespeare" sur
Interpretation of His Principal Characters and Plays on the Principle of Races. brought already an imputation ... in author , which opposed its noble " Institutes " to the disorders of the 66 Conscience , " and was adopted through ...
"inauthor: William Shakespeare" sur
Sir John Young Walker MacAlister, Alfred William Pollard, Ronald ... Shakespeare's time , extant in author's auto- graph , 202 sq . Plomer , H. R. , on Some Eliza- bethan Book Sales , 318-29 . Pollard , A. W. , on The Regulation of ...
"inauthor: William Shakespeare" sur
With His Life William Shakespeare Gulian Crommelin Verplanck. Heaven ! lay not my transgression to my charge , That ... in author- ity ; and it would seem to have been Shakespeare's in- tention to make that person Hubert de Burgh ...
"inauthor: William Shakespeare" sur
... William Shakespeare Gulian Crommelin Verplanck. " Heaven ! lay not my transgression to my charge , That art the issue ... in author- ity ; and it would seem to have been Shakespeare's in- tention to make that person Hubert de Burgh ...
"inauthor: William Shakespeare" sur
... of the of Corpus Christi College , Oxon , of 1558 , who accomplished ... Shakespeare's Boase's Register of University of Oxford , ' education Thomas ... in author's ' Life of William Shakespeare , ' which the tenure of Mr. W. R. ...
"inauthor: William Shakespeare" sur
... in books , 8 Plays , Elizabethan payments for , 36 ; selling value , 37 ; possible methods of pirating , 39 sqq .; entry on Stationers ' Register prima facie evidence of authenticity , 48 ; of Shakespeare's time , extant in author's ...