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Heartwomen, an urban feminist's odyssey home
Livre de Sandy Boucher
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Sandy Boucher is a Buddhist-feminist teacher, author and editor active in the San Francisco Bay Area and Pacific Northwest for 35 years.
Heartwomen: An Urban Feminist's Odyssey Home. By Sandy Boucher. Harper and Row, San Francisco, 1982, x + 282 pp., plates, map, bibliography, $12.95 (cloth) ...
On the author's return to her Midwestern roots. 284 pages, Hardcover. First published May 1, 1982. Book details & editions ...
Title: Heartwomen - An Urban Feminist's Odyssey Home. Publisher: Harper & Row Publishers, New York, San Francisco, et al. Publication Date: 1982.
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Heartwomen : An Urban Feminist's Odyssey Home. Boucher, Sandy. ISBN 13: 9780062500953. Seller: Better World Books: West, Reno, NV, U.S.A. 5-star rating.
Edition, illustrated ; Publisher, Harper & Row, 1982 ; Original from, the University of California ; Digitized, May 22, 2008 ; ISBN, 0062500953, 9780062500953.
Heartwomen : An Urban Feminist's Odyssey Home by Sandy Boucher (1982, Hardcover) ; Returns. Accepted within 30 days. Seller pays return shipping. ; Condition:.
Heartwomen, an urban feminist's odyssey home. Author: Sandy Boucher. Front cover image for Heartwomen, an urban feminist's odyssey home.
HEARTWOMEN: An Urban Feminist's Odyssey Home. by Sandy Boucher ‧ RELEASE DATE: June 1, 1982. Sandy Boucher traveled through the Kansas-Missouri- ...