"Charles Appleton Longfellow" sur
... Charles Longfellow entered the Harvard Law School on December 18 , 1865 , but left without a degree in 1866. From Anita Israel , Archivist , Longfellow National Historic Site , Cambridge , Massachusetts . 5. Nathan Appleton would later ...
"Charles Appleton Longfellow" sur
... Longfellow's good friend Ole Bornemann Bull . * Bibliography : Hilen , ed .; Wagenknecht , 1955 . LONGFELLOW , CHARLES APPLETON ( 1844-93 ) . ( Nickname : Charley , Charlie . ) Longfellow's first son . He was unruly as a boy . Not long ...
"Charles Appleton Longfellow" sur
... Longfellow , from the fact that his oldest son , Charles Appleton , was then a lieutenant in the First Massachusetts Cavalry , in which he served with credit for two years . Lieut . Longfellow was very severely wounded in the Mine Run ...
"Charles Appleton Longfellow" sur
... Longfellow , Charles Appleton . Twenty Months in Japan , 1871-1873 . Ed . Christine Wallace Laidlaw . Cambridge , MA : Friends of the Longfellow House , 1998 . Essential for understanding the complicated father - son dynamic that is ...
"Charles Appleton Longfellow" sur
... Appleton , 1874 . Iriye Akira , ed . Mutual Images : Essays in American Japanese Relations . Cambridge : Har- vard ... Charles Wirgman . Yokohama : Kanagawa Ken- ritsu Hakubutsukan , 1990 . Meiji no kyūtei gaka - Goseda Yoshimatsu ...
"Charles Appleton Longfellow" sur
... Charles Appleton Longfellow ( 1844–1893 ) Papers , 1842-1996 ( Cambridge , Mass .: Longfellow National Historic Site , U.S. National Park Service , U.S. Department of Interior , 2006 ) , pp . 19–20 . Charley's sister , Alice Mary Longfellow ...
"Charles Appleton Longfellow" sur
... Longfellow , Anne ( sister ) . See Pierce , Anne Longfellow Longfellow , Anne Allegra ( daughter , " Annie " ) , 166 , 174n2 ; in " The Children's Hour " , 165 , 167 ; in Read's painting , 166–168 Longfellow , Charles Appleton ( son ...
"Charles Appleton Longfellow" sur
... Charles Longfellow in a Jinrikisha , September 1872. Carte de visite , recto and verso , 10.4 x 6.3 cm . Archives no ... Appleton Longfellow , the eldest son of the American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.94 During his prolonged ...
"Charles Appleton Longfellow" sur
... Charles Longfellow , October 18 , 1872 ; Charles Longfellow to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow , February 10 , 1873 , in Christine Wallace Laidlaw , ed . , Charles Appleton Longfellow : Twenty Months in Japan , 1871–1873 ( Cambridge , MA ...