Creative Commons License
ABM referendum billboard // 19-21 is a website that was also produced to run alongside the billboard.

01 November 2019 – 23 February 2020
71 Eyre Lane, Sheffield S1 4RB

Based on the design aesthetic of governmental billboard campaigns, Blanco subverts the notion of the referendum, which has plagued the psyche of British politics over the past 4 years, and applies it to an alternative subject matter; asking the question of whether we should vote to abolish the British monarchy. The website that was designed to run along the billboard gave birth to this project. Since it was created, it has become an ongoing speculative platform giving updated information about the future holding of the ABM Referendum that will take place in a show depicting a fictional polling station.

Bloc Projects

(This commission has been generously supported by Arts Council England)

Bloc Billboard Commission

The New Down with Feudalism ONE POUND COIN
Prototype for the TPGovernment´s